5escorts.com > Seattle escorts > i REALLY C0ULD USE A ANGEL/MiRACLE RiGHT N0W. C0ULD THAT BE U 🤞


Posted : Friday, February 24, 2023 12:37 PM

[i really cant believe the type of day/night im having right now smh. whoever else out here feels like diggin out there cape tonight so they can cum save a hoe {captain save a hoe lol} i will forever be in your debt & i will also bless u w/a coupon for one free bj for helping me whn i need it most. Im currently stuck outside freezing in tukwila by the library cus i ws tricked by someone that claimed to be my best friend. what had happened ws this morning wen i went to pay for my room but ws notified that i needed to check out cus i guess your only allowed to stay there for 13 consecutive days nd today ws my 13th day. so nd my roommate so called best friend went nd packed up all our stuff nd sat on the side of the hotel cus we didnt have a plan yet. so we ended up sitting there for a good 3hrs in the cold until she had one of her homies cum pick us up nd the plan was to go chill at his spot until we figured something out. well he picked us up alright but instead of goin to his spot he pulled into the McDonalds in tukwila nd she made me get out nd said that i needed to wait there while she went to give him a free bj for letting us cum over nd that she would be back in 15mins nd thn he ws gonna go do something real quick while we waited there for him to cum back AND THN we were gonna goto his spot. well this ws at 330pm. its now about to be 7pm nd still no word frm the tramp. so Ive been stuck outside for hours. so i finally said screw this nd walkd to the library to get warm nd thats where Im at now trying to figure out my next move before they close at 8pm nd im stuck outside again foreal this time smh. all i need is AT LEAST one person to cum see me so that i can afford to get myself a room for the night to get out the cold. is that you 💋 LiKE MY BiTCH CARDi B SAYS...[MY HEAD GAME iS FiRE🔥. iTS G0iN iN DRYY & CUMiN 0UT S0GGYY👅] 💋i MAY 0NLY BE 0FFERiN BL0W j0BS BUT i PR0MiSE Y0U THATS ALL Y0ULL NEED. DONT BELiEVE ME CUM SEE ME S0 i CAN PR0VE T0 YOU THAT iM ABLE T0 BACK EVERYTHiNG THAT i SAY UP 💋THE NAMES MS. BRUNETTE ND iM 30YRS Y0UNG MEXiCAN ND PUERTO RiCAN. UNFORTUNATELY F0R YALL iM 0NLY 0FFERiNG BL0W j0BS CUS THATS ALL THAT i FEEL C0MF0RTABLE W/GiViNG AWAY. i FEEL LiKE i SH0ULD BE ABLE TO KEEP WHATEVER i WANT 0N MY B0DY 0NLY F0R MYSELF ND THATS WHATS D0WN BEL0W. i TRUST MY SKiLLS ND TECHNiQUE EN0UGH T0 GET ME THRU iT W/0UT HAViN 2 D0 ALL THAT. 💋 CURRENTLY iM iN TUKWiLA ND iM N0T M0BiLE S0 iF UR AR0UND ND iNTERESTED iN GETTiN UR MiND BL0WN W/THiS AMAZiNG FELLATi0 FEEL FREE T0 HMU. iM AVAiLABLE DAY/NiGHT. 🏩🚘 iNCALLs ND CARDATE`s 0NLY!! 💋 ALSO i HAVE N0 B0DY PiCS SOO iF U WANNA SEE MY BODY THN YOU`LL jUST HAVE T0 CUM SEE F0R URSELF iN PERS0N. jUST KNW THAT iM FAR FRM BEiN SKiNNY S0 iF A TWiG iS WAT UR L00KiN F0R THN U MiGHT AS WELL jUST KEEP 0N SCR0LLiNG CUS iM DEF N0T THE 0NE F0R Y0U B00B00. 💯 % THiCK ALL THA WAYY!!!😍😘 💋 PREFERABLY TEXT 0NLY CUS THE 🔊0N MY 📱 BR0KE S0 YOU W0NT BE ABLE T0 HEAR ME SMH! 💋 PUHLEAASSEEE SERi0US iNQUiRiES 0NLY 0R ELSE Y0U WiLL BE BLOCKED!! Greenwood

• Poster's age : 31

• Mobile : 2065027625

• Location :  TUKWiLA && SURR0UNDiNG AREAs ..

• Post ID: 1878775061

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